
Earth Friendly Stations & Compostable Bags


Choose sustainable products to help clean up and dispose of dog waste and trash. Go green and save money with poop bags & can liners made of post-consumer recycled and compostable materials. Strong, leak-proof bags are a smart investment and safe option for your pet friendly program, and for the planet, too.

  • Trail Provenstations and dispensers are made from post-consumer, recycled milk jugs, bottles and plastics. One station is equal to 62 plastic, recycled milk jugs.
  • Compostable poop bags and trash can liners are made from corn biopolymers, certified to meet ASTM6400 standards*.
  • Certified Post Consumer Resin (PCR) is used to make The Purple Poop Bagand DEPOT DOGGIES™. Discarded consumer plastics headed to landfills are diverted, washed, melted down and reused in new products. By not using virgin plastic, non-renewable oil resources are spared.
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Dog Waste Depot is committed to offering earth friendly products

Dog Waste Depot's eco-friendly dog poop bags and sustainable dog waste station solutions offer a greener option and reduce waste and your carbon footprint. Dog Waste Depot is committed to offering earth friendly products to help clean up and dispose of dog waste and trash around the community. Go green with poop bags made of post-consumer recycled materials that are value priced while maintaining the highest quality.

Trail Proven™ dog waste stations and dispensers are made from post-consumer, recycled milk jugs, water bottles and plastics. This extra sturdy material will never rust, splinter, rot, corrode or require painting maintenance and offers a Lifetime Warranty! 1 Station is equivalent to 62 plastic milk jugs being recycled.

Compostable poop bags and trash can liners are made from corn biopolymers, certified to meet ASTM6400 standards. The corn used is not the type for human consumption, so resources for feeding people are not compromised. These strong leak proof bags are a smart investment not only for your pet friendly program, but for the planet too!

Certified Post Consumer Resin (PCR) is used to make The Purple Poop Bag. Discarded consumer plastics headed to landfills are diverted, washed, melted down and reused in new products. By not using virgin plastic, non-renewable oil resources are spared.

*Compostable Bag & Liner Disclaimer: If dog waste is not accepted for commercial composting in your area, then bags and liners will have no environmental benefit, with the exception that they are not produced from oil. Home composting requires special composter to generate sufficient heat to kill pathogens in dog waste. Bags & liners may be used for kitchen scraps & landscape clippings and will be fully compostable. Meets both ASTM6400 Standard & FTC 2012 Green Guides for degrading within 12 months.